Introduction to Love Yourself First / The Self-Lover

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Love Yourself First (LYF) brings awareness to how you nourish and strengthen yourself. It advances the empowerment and elevation of your soul. LYF enhances how you speak to yourself, and how you feel.

It’s about love.

And not just any love, the highest form of love…Self-love.

Let’s define self-love so we don’t confuse it with being self-absorbed or selfish.

Self-love (n) Regard for one's own well-being

When I say 'Love Yourself First', what does that mean to you? What about 'You Are the Most Important Person in the World'? Do these phrases bother you? If so why?

Well guess what, you SHOULD be the most important person in the world to YOURSELF. If you don't love yourself, take care of yourself, uplift yourself FIRST... how can you fully love anyone else?

A little intro activity...grab your journal and a pen.

What do you think about yourself when you're super honest? Take some time and write down all the words that come to mind when you think of your life.

How does your list feel? Empowering or nah?

If you're not feeling like a QUEEN, like Beyonce in the Flawless video, like Serena Williams on the court...then we have some self-care work to do!

Self-Care is ultimately about respect.

It's not pampering yourself and taking selfie's all day, it's not being self-absorbant and giving no

It's about being honest, patient and loving towards yourself and others.

And when you have self-respect, it will automatically turn into self-love.


The Self-Lover is someone who spends time, energy, intention and effort connecting with themselves in a loving, genuine and careful way EVERY DAY. The level of love for self shows in their thoughts, words, actions, choices and how they use their time.

A Self-Lover respects oneself by honoring their desires, dreams, goals and curiosities as valid, purposeful and sacred gifts from God.

The Self-Lover respects others as equal to self and honors the inner wisdom of each being as a mirror - mindful of the power that each person holds, understanding that everyone is going through their own journey, path and growth just like him or herself.

A Self-Lover is a giver, but also gives back to self with the knowledge that you can only give from your overflow, anything less is self-depleting.

The Self-Lover is a receiver allowing love, prosperity, and opportunities to flow in as blessings in their life, using those blessings to continue to evolve into a higher version of themselves so they can further elevate others.

A Self-Lover is honest with themselves and others, establishing clear boundaries and being unafraid to make those boundaries known. Understanding their inner truth and only participating in activities or connecting with people that reflect that truth.

The Self-Lover, above all, knows how to love - knows that the level of love for self is the level of love for others so the Self-Lover practices forgiveness, patience, empathy, kind words, good intentions, peace of mind, wisdom and sensitivity knowing that as they practice these qualities with themselves, they can practice this with anyone else.

So yea, I'm gonna turn you OUT. Ready bae?

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